

Put your shoulders to the wheel and develop the best healthcare software for healthcare. Hans and Gerrit Mulder started ChipSoft in 1986 with this team spirit. Three decades later, that no-nonsense mentality is still the linchpin of the company. More than ever, because the Mulders now have more than 800 'Chippies'.

All those hundreds of employees are given the space to develop themselves through courses and training. And to develop their own ideas. Because at ChipSoft we believe in the motto 'better well thought out than well stolen'. That freedom also applies to activities with your colleagues.

What is typical ChipSoft? Teaching a medical specialist the intricacies of our software. But also organizing a sports activity for your colleagues. Or developing a solution that optimizes patient logistics in hospitals. All this with a common goal: to strengthen our leading position in the world of healthcare ICT. Will you join us?


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