General information

Within the University of Twente, you can report personal circumstances to a student dean or student psychologists. You can reach these through the Student Affairs Coaching & Counseling (SACC) in the Vrijhof (room 311). You can also email For more information about SACC also feel free to visit

Mental Well-being
To provide help and support in difficult times, an overview of all UT initiatives are listed on the ​​​​​​​Wellbeing page. Do you need help but are you not sure where to turn to? Contact Student Affairs Coaching & Counselling and they will help you find a suitable form of support! 

While at the UT, a lot of regulations impact you on a daily basis that you might not even know about. An overview of all regulations is available here. Per regulation you would like to know more about, the correct systems and/or organisations are linkedRegulations

Confidential advisors
In case of unacceptable behaviour, the confidential advisor acts independently from the UT and functions as a sounding board and intermediary. The confidential adviser will not judge nor make any decisions.The counsellor can advise you, with or without the aid of a third party, or can mediate between the conflicting parties. The strictest confidentiality will be maintained. Confidential advisor

Sexual violence
Sexual violence describes all sexual axts that a person is forced to perform, undergo or witness. Sexual violence or harassment is most common in students' age category. If you are/were a victim of sexual violence (sexual assault, rape) feel free to reach out for help or support as it is in place. We know that it really takes courage to take this step and hope this info will be of help. Sexual Violence

Confidential Contact Persons
The Confidential Contact Person (CCP) for students are trained to be peer listeners and will keep everything you share completely confidential. These UT students are from different studies, and backgrounds, and have different experiences studying at UT or elsewhere. The 16 trained students support you If you are struggling with something, no matter how big or small, you can contact one of them and they will be there for you. The CCPs can give you advice, play a supporting role in finding a solution to a problem, or just listen to you ventWhen they do not have the recourses to personally help, they will support in seeking the help that you need. They are familiar with many different support systems. Confidential Contact Persons

Student Psychologist
Student psychologists offer short-term, solution-oriented help with study problems and/or personal problems. You can contact them if you suffer for instance from performance anxiety or procrastination and when faced with sadness, fear, insecurity or family problems. All students at the University of Twente can use the services of the student psychologist. No referral needed and it is free of charge. Student Psychologist

Student Advisors 
It is always possible to go to the study advisors of TG or BMT. You can make an appointment through the site.

Other support lines independent of the University of Twente:
Should you be looking for other help, there are also national initiatives that may be able to help you further. 
Everything OK?
Alles Oké? (everything ok?) is a support line that offers support for everyone between the ages of 18 and 24 when things are not going so well. Chat or call (0800-0450) anonymously with a trained volunteer for a listening ear. Every day between 2pm and 10pm. Anonymous. Also available in English. 

113 Suicide Prevention
Thinking about suicide? Then you can call and chat with 113 completely anonymously. Call toll-free 0800-0113 or chat via

In case of an emergency call 112

Center for Sexual Violence
The Sexual Violence Center is here for victims of sexual violence. Almost everyone thinks it won't happen to them, but the hard truth is that it can happen to anyone. That's why it's important to know where to turn if you or someone close to you experiences an unpleasant sexual experience. Save our number - 0800-0188 - in your mobile and you will always have us at hand. We offer medical care, psychological support, help with reporting and prevention and education materials. We are there for you when you need us.

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