Online systems

As a student, you have to be actively looking for information for certain online activities. Most of the time this happens automaticly! Next to that you also have to deal with the fact that the university is massive, and on their site you can struggle to find the right webpage. That is why we put the most important systems in a little list below. Tip: you can arrange a lot via


To enter a module, you have to enlist on Osiris. This has to happen before every module. Next to enlisting, you'll find your marks, studyprogress and information about modules and courses to which you can enlist. With any questions you can go to the Student Services:



The online learning environment of the UT. On this site will be all the studymaterials. Think of college-slides, practice exams and assignments. You'll need this site daily. 



This site is where you will find your rosters of your study. You can also choose to see more rosters of other courses, and you can couple this to your Google Calender. Practica's and colleges tend to change time/locations, so keep your eye on this site!



This is your student webmail. Check it regularily, because there can always be some usefull information from your educational program. You can also find all the student mail-adresses of other students here. It might be usefull to couple this email to your regular email, or to add the email to your phone. 

Library and ICT


Here you will find the university library, FindUT (a search engine for scientific articles) and tutorials for Eduroam and VPN-connections. You can use VPN to enter the online netwerk of the university outside Eduroam. 

Notebook Service Center


On the site of the NSC you can find information about your laptop if you bought it from the UT. You can also download a lot of free software, including software you'll need for practica's. 

Student Portal

This is a collection of all the UT-related internetapplications.  


On this website of the U-Today, you can find all kinds of local news related to the university, or national news which influences us as students.

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