Biomedical Engineering (BME)
Biomedcal engineering (BME)
Biomedical Engineering is a human-oriented technical education. This training combines (bio)medical knowledge and technology for solving problems in healthcare. The biomedical engineer uses this knowledge to research, design and develop new methods, equipment, processes or systems to improve medical practice and healthcare. Biomedical Engineering is a multidisciplinary study that uses multiple disciplines to gain knowledge. Subjects used are: physics, mathematics, chemistry, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, biology and medicine.
S.V. Paradoks and BME
The 45th board of S.V. Paradoks is always ready to help students with questions about the study and its organization. Not sure where to find certain information? Where can you go with a complaint? Or do you have a good idea to improve education? Then come to Gijs Houben, the commissioner educational affairs BME. He will be happy to help you! You can mail to:
Canvas is an important site for the program and the teachers to convey information and news to you as a student. Therefore, always keep an eye on new notifications from Canvas!
OER stands for Onderwijs- en ExamenRegeling (Education and Exam Regulations). Here you will find what is expected of you as a student, but also what you are entitled to. It is wise to go through these once. This helps you to better understand why the program makes a certain choice, but can also help you if the program does something that is in conflict with the OER. Click on the link below to open the OER:
Education and Exam Regulations
S.V. Paradoks is committed to improving the program and making it as good as possible. For this reason, the educational affairs commissioner has regular consultations with the Education Director (OLD), the Education Coordinator (OC), Study Adviser (SA) and the Education Committee (OLC). The OLC monitors the broad outlines of education at BME, for both bachelor's and master's education. The committee consists of both teachers and students. Are you wondering what exactly the OLC does and whether you can play a role in this? Then visit the website below:
Examination Board
The Examination Board is the body that determines in an objective and expert manner whether a student meets the conditions set by the Education and Examination Regulations (EER) with regard to the knowledge, understanding and skills required to obtain a degree. A student can submit a request to the Examination Board for, for example, an extra examination opportunity, approval of a free program or the granting of an exemption for a unit of study. Another task is to appoint examiners to administer and assess examinations. The Examination Board also makes decisions in the event of fraud (plagiarism) and imposes sanctions. Finally, the Examination Board is responsible for assuring the quality of interim and final examinations and of the organization and procedures surrounding interim and final examinations. Do you disagree with the decision made by teachers regarding your grade? Then submit a request to the Examination Board:
Problems during your study
Are there things that influence studying or is studying itself not successful? Then you can visit the study advisor. Anneloes Dummer is the study advisor for BME students and you can schedule an appointment with her via the TNW planner.
Are there personal problems? The university has a student psychologist where you can talk to. The student psychologist offers short-term, solution-oriented psychological help both individually and in groups with study problems or with personal problems that affect functioning in study and student life. To make an appointment with the student psychologist, you can make an appointment yourself by telephone with the SACC secretariat or in the Vrijhof floor 3 room 311 (red desk).
If you are delayed due to special circumstances, you can request graduation support. You can also contact the red desk in the Bastille for all questions about special circumstances.
If you have a complaint or comment about the education in the BME program, you can always send a mail to