
Nedap N.V. is a multinational tech firm. From our headquarters in Groenlo, the Netherlands, we employ 800 people in 11 countries worldwide. We were founded in 1929 and have been listed at the Dutch Stock Exchange since 1947.

At Nedap, we believe that a smarter application of technology can help solve tomorrow’s challenges. Understanding what technology needs to do for customers and their users and how they wish to use it, is at our core. 

Proud to work for

We are organized in eight specialized business units. Some examples of the accomplishments of our teams are the access control system of the Eiffel Tower, UV-based water purification for the city of New York, and RFID systems for fashion retailers such as River Island and H&M. This year, the Library Solutions team won a prestigious Red Dot Design Award for their latest product, in which functionality and esthetics go hand in hand. In general, an important characteristic of Nedap products, is the unobtrusive way it can be used. It simply works, has more features and is future proof.

A flock of birds

At Nedap we are known for our open culture. CEO Ruben Wegman likes to compare Nedap to a flock of birds. ‘We hire the smartest people in the country, we rely on them to tell us where we should go, or what we should be developing. Having said that, a bright mind is not enough. If you can’t think as an entrepreneur or work independently, you should not be in our flock.’  

What makes you tick?

At Nedap, we encourage people to make the most of their talents, ambitions and dreams, providing them with the privilege to develop technology to help solve tomorrow’s challenges.

We are always curious about meeting talented people. We believe it is not relevant what you exactly have accomplished in the past, but what you are still willing and able to learn in the future. If you recognize yourself in this, you should get in touch with us.

More about working at Nedap, read the blogs of Nedap employees at


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