Dispuut bRAXIS was formed on May 10, 2007 from a group of friends who had had a do-group at Paradoks for several years in a row. bRAXIANEN had always been very active within Paradoks. For example, the committee for the sixth lustrum consisted exclusively of bRAXIANEN, so it was not surprising that the Paradoks board asked bRAXIS to be recognized as an official dispute. At the change-GMA on May 28, 2008, this request was granted: bRAXIS was officially recognized by Paradoks. At that time we were not that big, but today we are growing steadily and welcome a number of new yellow students every year.
Since then, Paradoks can't get enough of bRAXIS. Consequently, there is a touch of yellow in several Paradoks boards.... Many bRAXISians are also involved in various activities, both as participants and organizers. Although Paradoks gets the most of bRAXIS just in the PK, where there is almost always a bRAXIAN sitting soggling, in the form of a game, a cup of coffee or a good conversation.
The real bRAXIAN does not exist; bRAXIS is a motley collection of different students, each with their own flaws. Fortunately, they are all social and most are not caustic. Every two weeks we can be found in San Remo on Wednesdays for drinks and various interesting conversations. Conversation topics range from how vegetarian garlic actually is to what you can do with a twinkle torch, or just a classic conversation about umm yes .... sex.
Curious about more? Take a look at or talk to a bRAXIAN.
As long as it's wet!