Onze partners

Om onze studenten kennis te laten maken met het werkveld, zijn wij altijd op zoek naar bedrijven en instanties die geïnteresseerd zijn in een samenwerking. Op deze manier kunnen studenten zich oriënteren op hun toekomstige werkveld en kunnen bedrijven contact leggen met mogelijke toekomstige werknemers. Denk hierbij aan lezingen, cases of exposure van uw bedrijf op onze website of in ons verenigingsblad.  

Bent u geïnteresseerd in de mogelijkheden om samen te werken met Studievereniging Paradoks, neem dan contact op met onze Commissaris Externe Betrekkingen:

Niek Geleijnse
053 489 2491

Onze huidige partners:


Benchmark Almelo is onderdeel van een wereldwijd Benchmark Netwerk. Met kantoren in de VS, Europa en Azië levert Benchmark het hoogste niveau van marktgerichte diensten en kant-en-klare platforms waar onze klanten ze nodig hebben.

We hebben Design Centers of Innovation op strategische locaties in elk van de drie belangrijkste regio's. We werken voornamelijk voor de markten Medical, Industrial en Aerospace & Defense. Naast de productie van elektronica hebben we ook volledige mogelijkheden voor precisiemechanische productie. Wij werken bijvoorbeeld voor klanten als Airbus, Siemens, Fluke of Semiconductor bedrijven.


De schouders eronder zetten en de beste zorgsoftware ontwikkelen voor de zorg. Met die teamspirit startten Hans en Gerrit Mulder in 1986 ChipSoft. Die no-nonsense mentaliteit is drie decennia later nog steeds de spil van het bedrijf. Meer dan ooit zelfs, want de Mulders hebben er inmiddels ruim 800 'Chippies' bij.

Al die honderden medewerkers krijgen de ruimte om zichzelf via cursussen en opleidingen door te ontwikkelen. En om hun eigen ideeën uit te werken. Want bij ChipSoft geloven we in het motto 'beter goed bedacht, dan goed gejat'. Die vrijheid geldt óók voor activiteiten met je collega's. 

Wat is typisch ChipSoft? Een medisch specialist de fijne kneepjes van onze software bijbrengen. Maar ook het organiseren van een sportactiviteit voor je collega's. Of het ontwikkelen van een oplossing die patiëntlogistiek in ziekenhuizen optimaliseert. Dat alles met een gezamenlijk doel: onze koppositie in de wereld van zorg-ICT verstevigen. Doe je mee?

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chipsoftbv/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/chipsoft/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chipsoftnederland/

Website: Werken bij ChipSoft - Welkom


Nedap N.V. is a multinational tech firm. From our headquarters in Groenlo, the Netherlands, we employ 800 people in 11 countries worldwide. We were founded in 1929 and have been listed at the Dutch Stock Exchange since 1947.

At Nedap, we believe that a smarter application of technology can help solve tomorrow’s challenges. Understanding what technology needs to do for customers and their users and how they wish to use it, is at our core.


Movella is a full-stack hardware, software, and cloud analytics company created by the consolidation of mCube, Xsens and Kinduct. Bringing together pioneers in the sensing, capturing, analysis of motion, Movella is focused on a bold vision and dedicated to providing actionable insights for industry leaders, all to move humanity forward.

An object in motion tends to stay in motion. No one knows that better than Movella. That’s why we create career opportunities designed to keep you challenged, engaged and always moving forward. If you’re ready to move the world towards positive change, there’s no better place than Movella.


We are a rapidly growing company founded in 2015 to support research efforts in image-guided precision preclinical radiation research for cancer and other diseases. This is a mouthful, but it means we’re into developing research products to support research into treatment of disease models with radiation in combination with other therapies. We mostly work for preclinical research, which means with small laboratory animals. We collaborate with other international companies, and have developed products that are used in North America, Asia, Australia and Europe. We also have strong links with the human oncology world.


Maastro is the institute for radiotherapy that provides radiation to cancer patients in the province of Limburg. As a nationally and internationally renowned radiotherapy center, we make the connection between excellent patient care, education and effective scientific research. Maastro is located on the Maastricht Brightlands Health Campus with, among others, the Maastricht University Medical Center and Maastricht University with mostly biotechnology companies as adjacent institutes. Maastro is also a recognised trainer for the education of various healthcare professionals in radiotherapy.


At Unitron two main disciplines get together: electronics and life-science. Life-science devices are medical devices and all devices intended to be used in the laboratory (mostly for in vitro diagnostic analysis). Electronics is basically anything with a power plug or a battery.

When developing and marketing a life-science device, there are three questions that need thorough consideration:

  1. What does the device’s technology look like, is it safe and reliable?
  2. What is the (clinical) interface between the life-science device and the user or operator?
  3. What regulatory requirements are applicable and how to address them?

Each of these questions has its own challenges, for which we offer a total solution package.


As the world's leading producer of collagen-based solutions, we offer exciting opportunities for professional development. Rousselot Biomedical is the newest strategic segment within Rousselot, providing the biomedical industry with collagen-inspired solutions. Our 130 years of global expertise in gelatins and pharmaceutical collagens come together to make a difference in people's lives.

Rousselot’s X-Pure® and Quali-Pure® gelatins and modified gelatins offer unique benefits to ensure performance, quality and safety from the lab to the clinic, and are backed by solid science and ongoing research.

If you share our passion for making a positive impact on the world, come contact us and become part of Rousselot, the health brand of Darling's Ingredients.


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Onze partners